What is Thrifty?
Where is Thrifty headquartered?
Does it cost money to sell on Thrifty or host events?
How does Thrifty make money?
What is Thrifty?
Thrifty is a secondhand resale app. You use the app to find a Thrifty Manager and to add the items you want to sell. The items are then sold by Thrifty managers that are located in your community.
Where is Thrifty headquartered?
Thrifty is based out of in Gainesville, FL.
Does it cost money to sell on Thrifty or host events?
There is no cost to sell your items through Thrifty. You will earn 60% of the revenue generated from your items.
How does Thrifty make money?
Thrifty adds a small percentage to the price tag of every item added into the app. When you add an item and print the tag, you will notice there is a small difference between your price and the price printed on the tag.